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Request Financial Assistance
  • Objective

    The Social Ministry Funds are intended to cover unusual, sudden, or severe needs. Although distributions can take place over an extended period of time, the ultimate purpose of this ministry is not to provide financial sustenance. Therefore, individuals requiring long-term assistance should look first to their family members, if possible, if not, they should be redirected to the appropriate government agencies.

  • Financial Assistance Criteria

    The following criteria is intended to serve as general guidelines that will help the Social Ministry Committee (henceforth, SMC) to have a more structured decision-making process. Nevertheless, each case will be analyzed thoroughly, considering all relevant details and conditions of each applicant. In this sense, some of these guidelines can be overlooked if the SMC deems it necessary.

    • Individuals with full capacity to work (both mental and physical) and who do not show the required efforts to secure gainful employment do not qualify for financial assistance under normal conditions.
    • All candidates for financial assistance must be willing to meet with a member of the SMC or a designated counselor, before, during, and after receiving assistance. The counselor may require the applicant to provide additional financial information or to follow additional recommendations (i.e., expense reductions, employment and career advice, etc.).
    • Money will be distributed through bank-to-bank transfer; payments being made directly to the institution that is owed. Cash will only be given to the recipient as a last option.
    • Financial aid to a person or a household will be limited, if possible, to no more than once per quarter and a maximum of € 300 per application.
    • In any case, the total disbursements per each request should not be more than 10% in total of the current available budget of the Social Ministry (henceforth, SM).
    • Previous financial assistance will be taken into account if future requests are made. If the SMC determines that the applicant requires a developmental approach:
      • A counselor will be appointed. The counselor will meet and support the beneficiary to make the necessary changes to alleviate their current financial situation.
      • Before any money is disbursed, the counselor has to ensure that the recipient owns the process of change and is taking steps to make a long-term lasting change. The ultimate goal is that the recipient glorifies God by taking full responsibility of their situation and by working and supporting themselves and their families with the fruits of their work.
      • The counselor must monitor the progress of the beneficiary and communicate it to the SM Leader on a constant basis.
    • Benefiting from other initiatives of the SM such as clothing drives and food program does not disqualify the applicant for financial assistance. However, this data will be taken into account to grasp a better understanding of the situation of the individual.
    • All candidates for financial assistance must complete the Financial Aid Application before or after the financial disbursement at discretion of the SMC.
    • Financial disbursements are approved as designated by policy. Instructions are then provided to the Church Office Secretary by the person authorizing the aid.
  • Application Process
    1. The applicant must submit a Request for Financial Assistance. In addition, the applicant should also submit a Data Protection Form. This can be done in person with the help of the Church Office Secretary or emailed to
    2. The SMC appoints a counselor to attend to this request. The counselor will conduct an interview to gather the information needed to complete the Financial Aid Application. It is not necessary to complete all the fields of the aforementioned form, the counselor must evaluate what is the minimum information required to make an adequate decision on the case. Nonetheless, in any case, a clear description of the following is always required: the applicant’s financial situation and request (amount and purpose).
    3. If the counselor deems it necessary, the applicant must present all the supporting documentation that can prove the veracity of his/her request.
    4. The SMC processes the request: the SMC will review and will agree on the proper response to the request and ensure that it meets the stipulations of the philosophy and policies stipulated in this document. If the request is approved, the SMC will determine the amount of assistance to be disbursed. When there is not clarity in judgment, the SMC will err on the side of giving rather than withholding financial assistance.
    5. The SMC will then notify the Church Office Secretary of their determination in order to proceed with the disbursement of funds.
    6. Approved requests are allocated within 3-5 working days.
    7. Upon receiving financial aid, all recipients must send a confirmation email to or Another option is to sign in person a receipt handed by the Church Office Secretary.
    8. If a different need arises in the future, a new request must be made and approved.
  • Download Forms
Request Food Assistance
  • Objective

    The Social Ministry food program aims to help those in need within the IBC community with a monthly food basket. The overall purpose is to provide additional support to supplement household food costs. The total funds allocated to the food program will be distributed taking into account the household size and its financial situation. A larger basket will be delivered to larger families who have greater economic needs.

  • Eligibility Criteria

    The following criteria is intended to serve as general guidelines that will help the Social Ministry Committee (henceforth, SMC) to have a more structured decision-making process. Nevertheless, each case will be analyzed thoroughly, considering all relevant details and conditions of each applicant. In this sense, some of these guidelines can be overlooked if the SMC deems it necessary.


    • The target beneficiaries are the IBC members. However, requests made by regular attendees or guests will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.
    • The applicant must not be a beneficiary of other existing food programs inside or outside Madrid. This will be accredited by sworn statement, the SMC may verify it at its discretion.

    Household income limitations

    In order to establish the household income limitations, the Spanish public ratio known as “Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples (IPREM[1]) has been chosen. The IPREM ratio is published annually through the Budget Law, so the last official published value will be used as a reference.

    The applicant may be eligible for the food program if his or her household’s gross income (before taxes or other deductions) does not exceed the amounts listed in the table below[2], based on the number of people in your household:

    Household size


    Monthly gross income (€)


    120% IPREM



    155% IPREM



    185% IPREM



    210% IPREM



    230% IPREM



    250% IPREM


    7 or more

    260% IPREM


    [1] The IPREM is a public index used in Spain as a reference for granting aid, subsidies or unemployment benefits. It was born in 2004, under the Real Decreto – Ley 3/2004, to replace the “Salario Mínimo Interprofesional (SMI)” as a reference for these aids.

    [2] These values were estimated using the IPREM value referenced to 2022. However, the up-to-date IPREM value (updated annually) should be used for future calculations. This table will be our general guideline, although unique circumstances might cause us to make an exception as God leads.

  • Obligations of the Beneficiaries
    • Submit along with the application, the required documentation, justifying to the Social Ministry Committee (henceforth, SMC) that the requirements established in these guidelines are met.
    • Carry out an interview with a volunteer designated by the SMC. In addition, the applicant should provide any additional information required at the discretion of the interviewer in order to better support their application.
    • Submit just one application per family unit, otherwise both will be canceled.
    • Give proper use of the monthly basket. This means using it only for the sole purpose of feeding household members.
    • If the applicant’s request is approved, the beneficiary must notify the Social Ministry of any relevant change in their household income that may cause the suspension or termination of the assistance provided.
    • If the applicant’s request is approved, the beneficiary must agree to provide quarterly updates on his/her household’s financial situation. If the situation has not changed and the applicant still meets the eligibility criteria, the beneficiary will be required to sign a Statement of Compliance with the Eligibility Criteria.
  • Required Documentation

    The following documentation must be submitted with each application:

    • Copy of DNI, TIE or passport of all household members.
    • Proof of income for the last three months: payroll, benefits, pensions or recent tax returns. If income cannot be proven or no income is earned, a signed affidavit of income must be submitted.
    • Proof of housing expenses for the last three months: rental contract or mortgage payments receipts.
    • Proof of utilities expenses for the last three months: electricity, water, gas, telephone and internet bills.
  • Application Process
    1. The applicant must submit an Application for Food Assistance along with all the required documentation mentioned in the previous section. In addition, the applicant should also submit a Data Protection Form. This can be done in person with the help of the Church Office Secretary or emailed to
    2. The Social Ministry Committee appoints an interviewer to attend to this request. Based on the information provided in the application, the interviewer might conduct an interview to:
      • Ask questions about the information on requester’s application.
      • Ask for proof of certain information.
      • Request additional information that the interviewer might consider necessary to make a judgment on applicant’s case.
      • Explain any questions the applicant might have about the food program.
    3. The SMC processes the request: the SMC will review the application and the recommendations of the designated interviewer to assess whether the applicant meets the eligibility criteria. When there is not clarity in judgment, the SMC will err on the side of giving rather than withholding the assistance.
    4. The interviewer will communicate to the applicant the decision of SMC in a maximum of 3 business days. If your request is approved, you will receive 12 food baskets in a period of 12 months, one basket for each month. In order to keep receiving the aid throughout the year, you will have to sign a Statement of Compliance with the Eligibility Criteria quarterly to declare that you still meet the food program eligibility criteria.
    5. At the end of the twelve months of duration of aid, the beneficiary will have to restart the application process.
  • Delivery
    • The delivery of the monthly food baskets will take place every third Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. A maximum of 15 min of courtesy will be granted before closing the food pantry (11:15 a.m.). If the recipient cannot arrive on the date and time indicated, the Food Program Coordinator must be notified immediately.
    • Each recipient has a maximum of three unexcused absences before being removed from the food program for at least one year.
    • The Food Program Coordinator will have a Food Program Control Card form for each recipient. Each time the recipient receives food both the recipient and the coordinator will sign the form to confirm they have received the food.” This form will serve as an ongoing indicator of the food that the recipient has received from the Social Ministry.
  • Download Forms
  • About IBC Madrid

    IBC serves as church home for people from over 50 nations who enjoy worshiping in English in a very international church with fellow Christians from other continents and denominations, with different ethnic backgrounds and a vast variety of personal and professional experience. The church relates to both the International Baptist Convention and the Spanish Baptist Convention (UEBE), cooperating for the purposes of missions and Christian education. Our goal continues to be to know Christ, to learn to be His Body together, and to make Him known, among internationals, among Spaniards, and among the nations.

  • About Social Ministry IBC
    • Philosophy

      Extend the love and grace of Jesus Christ, with mercy and compassion by means of food, financial assistance, clothing, consultation, and training so that people´s physical needs are met, encouraging them to seek God first as their ultimate Provider.

      As servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are always willing to help when possible, seeking wisdom in all cases following the next key principles:

      Knowing that all people have been made in God´s image and are important to Him, we will receive those in need with dignity and compassion taking the time to know them and their situation. We will then help them create a plan to move out of a situation of need, while at the same time moving towards Christ.

      In Christ, we mature in faith as we walk with other believers. Because of this we will minister to those in need by using a developmental approach in the context of an ongoing empowering relationship. Ideally this will result in each person in need coming to Christ and becoming part of the church family if they are not already.

      Knowing that God calls each of us to good stewardship of what we have been given, we will use an asset-based approach so the persons in need may overcome their situation by faith and obedience as they use their God-given abilities, resources and skills.

    • Purpose

      The purpose of the SM is to assist members of IBC and those within our community to meet their financial needs according to biblical directives and the present policies.

      Financial assistance, where appropriate, is intended as a source of last resort, to be used only when the family or individual requesting assistance has explored all other possibilities of help from family, friends, savings or investments.  As with all forms of benevolence provided by the SM, financial assistance is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis or transition.

    • The SM is based upon Scripture

      God delights in His benevolent nature. He is kind, gracious, generous, patient, and loving. He is unrelenting in his care for us, and we are called to do the same with others.

      Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ” – Galatians 6:2

      “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you love one another” – John 13:3-4

      “What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but no deeds? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well: keep warm and well fed’, but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it” – James 2:14-16

      Additional scriptures guidelines: Deuteronomy 15:7-8, Matthew 25:35-40, Isaiah 58:6-9, Jeremiah 22:16, Job 29:12-16.

      The SM desires to reflect the generous heart of God (Matthew 20:15). It is to be conducted with joy, not under compulsion, motivated by thankfulness to God for His generosity toward us (2 Corinthians 9:7).

    • What do we do?

      The Social Ministry is currently providing the following list of services and activities. See the Social Ministry Guidelines for more detailed information:

      • Financial assistance
      • Food program
      • Clothing drives
      • Adopt a family - Christmas Edition
      • Financial wisdom workshops
      • Career workshops
  • Donate to this Ministry

    Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2º Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

    Tithes and offerings can be given as general gifts or special offerings.

    General gifts
    Freewill tithes and offerings are used to support the daily operations of the church. To meet our annual budget for missions, ministries, general expenses and salaries, we depend on the regular, undesignated giving of members and supporters.

    Special offerings
    For giving that exceeds your regular tithe, you can specify to which mission, ministry or project you want to designate your offering. If you want to donate to this Ministry, you could write “IBC Social Ministry” in the memo of your check or bank transfer.

    For more detailed information, please check the official donation website.

  • Social Ministry Guidelines

    The following document defines the purpose of the Social Ministry (SM) and outlines the conditions for which Immanuel Baptist Church (IBC) may authorize and disburse funds, food, clothing, consultation, and training that are classified as benevolence. It also outlines the process and guidelines for executing the duties of the Social Ministry Committee (SMC) and the Social Ministry Team (SMT).

    SM Guidelines
  • Contact us

    Please contact us by sending an email to

    For more information, please visit the official church's website.

  • About this app

    Purpose of this app

    The "Share IBC" app was created with the purpose of creating a common space for the IBC church community that will allow its members to exchange job opportunities, offer their professional services and upcycle and donate different goods instead of throwing them away. It also includes all the relevant information on the Social Ministry, from the philosophy and purpose of the ministry to the services and activities it provides.

    What can you do with this app?

    Share tab

    In this tab you will be able to search and post the following categories:

    • Job opportunities: search for a job for yourself or contribute to your church community by posting a vacant position you might have heard of in your company, walking down the street in your neighborhood or in any social networks that you are part of.
    • Professional services: hire or offer your professional services. From French lessons to cleaning services, whatever the area of expertise, let’s connect and share!
    • Upcycle and donate: you might have a baby troller that you are not longer using and you might want to donate and give it a second life rather than throw it away. Whether it’s a chair, some jam jars, an old guitar, feel free to post it. Or maybe you’re looking to acquire something yourself, please check this tab!
    • Miscellaneous: share anything here that does not fall into the categories above. For instance: joining a small group or connecting with other Christians your age, rental needs, finding roommates, sports buddies (soccer, swimming, running, etc.), etc.

    In any case, posts have an approval workflow, once the post is submitted by the church member, it will be reviewed by the Social Ministry Team and if it is informationally complete and appropriate, it will be posted on the app.

    All posts, once approved, will be available for 4 months before being removed from the app. If you wish to deactivate or remove your post before this time, please send an email to '' with your post details.


    In this tab you can find all the relevant information (objectives, eligibility criteria, application process and applicable forms) about the main social programs offered by this ministry: financial assistance and food assistance.

    About us

    In this tab you can find the following information:

    • Information about Immanuel Baptist Church.
    • Information about the Social Ministry (philosophy, purpose and list of services and activities offered).
    • How to make a donation to this ministry.
    • Social Ministry Guidelines. You can download the latest approved guidelines.
    • Access the main contact details of the ministry.

Approval Request

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